Featured Pieces:


My personal projects often involve pushing the boundaries of what is considered a story, inviting viewers to sit with the piece for a moment and explore it on their own. My main focus with this viewpoint is Lookout Basin - stories told about a fictional National Park through non-traditional means, such as a visitor's guide, murder mystery card game meets silent novel, and point and click adventure game. Besides Lookout Basin, I enjoy painting portraits of people, animals, and landscapes.

Graphic Designs:

I was project lead for a team of four working on the style guide for the Boys & Girls Club Sailing Program in Marina Del Rey. Here are select pages I did the design work for:

I worked as a student graphic designer for Foothill Community College. My responsibilities included both creating assets for clubs and student programs, but also additional materials that the school's Marketing Department could use for the school's events. Here are select projects from my year and a half working there:


I am volunteer administrator staff for two wonderful collaborative creative writing websites, The Wanderers' Library and the SCP Foundation Wiki. When not helping with staff responsibilities, I enjoy pushing the boundaries of storytelling and what we consider a story. Here are some of my favorite works I've written for both websites.---Select pieces from The Wanderers' Library:
A collaborative creative writing website, with a focus on fantasy
* Transient Collection, a collection of short illustrated pieces of poetry exploring identity
* Quiet, Uneventful Affairs, a child drowns at sea
* Do Not Stop for Hitchhikers, the drowned child grows up
* Pier 361, let our dreams remain unsung
---Select pieces from The SCP Foundation:
A collaborative creative writing website, with a focus on sci-fi and horror
* Serus, comic collaboration with anonymous
* The Eleven Fifty-Nine, folklore horror inspired collaboration with Sebarus
* The Library Cries in Ultramarine Blue, solo piece exploring the death of a Library
---Works from both sites are licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0


Photography offers a unique lens into people's lives and a snapshot into their personal story. Doing event photography for schools has offered me opportunities to learn more about the school body and to interact with parts of the community I never would have touched upon otherwise. In my personal work, I like capturing memories of places and moments in time.---Personal Project Highlights:

Select projects from photographing events at Otis College of Art and Design, including work from their Fashion Department, guest speaker events, and student galleries:


You can call me Matthew!I'm a jack of all trades storyteller with an emphasis on digital illustration and community education. Based in California, many of my works are inspired by the folklore or coastal landscapes that call the Golden State home. When creating art, I hope to inspire a sense of wonder and that there's always more than meets the eye.For me, art is a storytelling medium, and my goal as an artist is to tell stories, but more so to help inspire others to tell their own stories. So often we're told to tell our own stories, but I think promoting an environment so that everyone feels safe to share who they are aligns closer to my personal philosophy. That includes both sharing who I am to give representation to others who are like me, but also inspiring the next group of artists to do the same.I have a passion for helping newcomers - whether it be incoming members to a community, freshman taking their first classes, or a beginner to a hobby - have the best experience they can and help ignite what is hopefully a brand new interest for them. The collaborative worlds that inspire people to build such amazing communities is what drives me to create, and I hope to continue contributing to those communities for as long as I'm making art.You can contact me at [email protected]. Higher resolution pieces and my resume are available upon request.